Monday, March 8, 2010

Continued hair loss over several years. Not stopping! Help!?

I've always had TONS of hair until I went, briefly, on a thyroid medication. Handfulls of hair started falling out after I was on it for aobut six months so I stopped. I'm not one for medications or anything synthetic in my body so I also stopped my birth control pills that I'd been on for like ten years around the same time. The hair loss continued. At this point, my son is three and a half years old but the hair loss hasn't stabalized, I have definite bald spots and only wear my hair pulled back since when I leave it down it actually looks thin and whispy. I've seen probably four doctors and none of them have an answer or any good suggestions. I've heard if its due to hormones it should stabalize and start to grow back but at this point I've lost hope. Am I doomed to a life of headwraps and wigs???Continued hair loss over several years. Not stopping! Help!?
It sounds as if ';alopecia nervosa'; may be your problem. The words simply mean hair lost for emotional reasons. Maybe becoming a mother has been specially stressful?

Some hair loss is normal during pregnancy, but that was a while ago....Continued hair loss over several years. Not stopping! Help!?
If you are off the medication it may begin to grow back once all that stuff works its way out of your system. However, some hair loss caused by medication may be permanent.
Research the B vitamin component Biotin. They say that even bald men who lost their hair 25 years before started to grow hair while taking huge amounts of biotin. I think Linus Pauling did some research on this at one point. It seems like it was tested to the amount of 100g a day or something. It is water soluble and safe. But it takes huge amounts. Just research the supplement biotin. And make sure the amount needed to grow hair is safe for you to take. Ok that with your doctor.

I hope your hair comes back quickly. I know how tragic it is for this to happen to females.

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