Monday, March 8, 2010

Please i want urgent help iam loosing much hair on my head i am taking biotin but how to stop hair loss tellme

if you're loosing hair because of stress, you can go to see a doctor and they can give you a shot to scalp.

very painful, but it works.

another thing you can do is keep your scalp clean.

good foundation, good hair!

Did any of you have hair loss issue due to stopping birth control? If so,what did you do to help it?

A few times it happened to me that after I stopped taking bcp,I noticed hair loss and was really devastated due to inability to find a proper treatment for my hair,and doctors only blame stress for it. I recently stopped Yasmin(3 weeks ago) and noticing some hair loss.

Any advice? PleaseDid any of you have hair loss issue due to stopping birth control? If so,what did you do to help it?
Normal Hair Growth Cycle

The hairs on your head do not all grow at the same time in the exact same way. There are 3 stages in the hair growth cycle. In the Anagen stage the hairs grow. This stage can last anywhere from 2 to 10 years and affects about 85% of your hairs at any given time. In the Catagen stage also known as the transition stage - the time between growth and rest. In this stage only about 1% of your hair and only lasts about 2 weeks. Many professionals combine this stage with the Telogen or resting stage. The Telogen stage affects only about 15% of your hairs and can last up to 6 weeks.

Hormonal Effects on Hair Loss

Hormone levels can affect hair loss in the following manner. They can cause hair loss to happen more quickly. Hormones can also accelerate hair growth of a large number of hairs at once and some months later go into the resting stage and fall out.

Estrogens during pregnancy extend the growth stage. Months after delivery the hairs that grew will all go into the resting stage and then fall out. The hairs will return to the normal growth pattern eventually.

Birth Control-Oral Contraceptive Effects

Hormone Replacement Therapy - HRT hormones contain estrogens. These can as has been mentioned accelerate the growth stage. You may find that a few months after starting HRT that your hairs begin to fall out giving the appearance of hair loss. The hairs that grew all at the same time will also go into the resting stage and eventually fall out. This will eventually end and hair will return to the normal growth cycle.

Birth Control in the form of oral contraceptives in younger women will act like HRT does in older women. If you are a younger woman you may not notice the hair growth necessarily because younger women generally have thicker hair. They will however, notice the hair loss that will likely occur a few months down the road after beginning the use of oral contraceptives.

If you are concerned about this pattern of hair loss consult your doctor. It is not recommended at this point to stop the hormones because a couple of months after you stop them you will still lose hair.


Hormones whether they are a result of pregnancy or Hormone Replacement Therapy will affect the normal hair growth pattern. Estrogens (female hormones) can speed up hair growth of many hairs all at once. At the end of pregnancy or some months later the hair that grew will go into rest and fall off. This is not a permanent condition as hair will return to the normal cycle eventually. Hair loss (from) birth control does happen but doesn't last forever.Did any of you have hair loss issue due to stopping birth control? If so,what did you do to help it?
you can take a multi vitamin and biotin

What shampoo stops or slows hair loss?? Does Nioxion or Nourish help?

Like, I've been shedding hair like crazy this year and it's driving me insane. My scalp is starting to become visible. Especially when its wet. But when it's dry it's not that bad. You just have to comb through it to see it. Now I know you lose 100 hairs a day, but... I'm 18 and it's a huge blow at this age. It's not a big concern at this time but i'd like to tackle it before it's to late. The Nioxion said it gets rid of DHT so that might be good. So any suggestions would be good. Thanks.What shampoo stops or slows hair loss?? Does Nioxion or Nourish help?
anyway hair loss can be caused by many different reasons! Find out the actual cause of hair loss! There are many causes of loss of hair such as stress, poor nutrition ,medications, thyroid dysfunctions, illness, fungal infections ,hormonal problems, to mention a few.

year ago I suffered from hair loss too and I started trying everything you can imagine to stop my hair loss.

the things that really worked for me was:

1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

5) also I used herbal treatment - TrichoZed

It is a good product that helps prevent hair loss and it is an FDA approved product. I think it is very important!

It worked and still works for me!

I do not know if any pharmacies carry TrichoZed but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here

It enhances hair growth by blocking DHT (Dihydrotestostrone) - a major cause of hair loss!

good luck!

not only my and my husband`s own personal experienceWhat shampoo stops or slows hair loss?? Does Nioxion or Nourish help?
hi there, not any shampoo will help you. I have a formula for you. I am a Pharmacist. you can contact me. It is not for every one. This formula will make your hair too strong and too hairy. If you really want to know just messange me at

Thank you.

Continued hair loss over several years. Not stopping! Help!?

I've always had TONS of hair until I went, briefly, on a thyroid medication. Handfulls of hair started falling out after I was on it for aobut six months so I stopped. I'm not one for medications or anything synthetic in my body so I also stopped my birth control pills that I'd been on for like ten years around the same time. The hair loss continued. At this point, my son is three and a half years old but the hair loss hasn't stabalized, I have definite bald spots and only wear my hair pulled back since when I leave it down it actually looks thin and whispy. I've seen probably four doctors and none of them have an answer or any good suggestions. I've heard if its due to hormones it should stabalize and start to grow back but at this point I've lost hope. Am I doomed to a life of headwraps and wigs???Continued hair loss over several years. Not stopping! Help!?
It sounds as if ';alopecia nervosa'; may be your problem. The words simply mean hair lost for emotional reasons. Maybe becoming a mother has been specially stressful?

Some hair loss is normal during pregnancy, but that was a while ago....Continued hair loss over several years. Not stopping! Help!?
If you are off the medication it may begin to grow back once all that stuff works its way out of your system. However, some hair loss caused by medication may be permanent.
Research the B vitamin component Biotin. They say that even bald men who lost their hair 25 years before started to grow hair while taking huge amounts of biotin. I think Linus Pauling did some research on this at one point. It seems like it was tested to the amount of 100g a day or something. It is water soluble and safe. But it takes huge amounts. Just research the supplement biotin. And make sure the amount needed to grow hair is safe for you to take. Ok that with your doctor.

I hope your hair comes back quickly. I know how tragic it is for this to happen to females.

Hair loss...losing my hair....due to stress they say...anything I can do to help it stop and grow back?

Stress related hair loss is becoming more common. If it is really just due to stress there is some good news. Your hair will grow back after the source of the stress has been removed. Due to the nature of stress induced hair loss though your hair will not start to grow back for months after the stress has gone. So do not start panicking.

There are several things you can do to help.

#1 relax. Doing things like meditating. yoga or just exercising all help to remove stress. Many people use self hypnosis tapes or musc to help them relax. All these methods work

#2 Eat a healthy diet. Hair is 95% protein and eating a diet with plenty of vitamins and proteins will not only make your hair look healthy but will help you to keep it.

#3 take hair supplements. There are many that contain all the vitamins and proteins your hair needs and will help you with growing your hair back.

Read the articles below. they explain this in great detail.Hair loss...losing my hair....due to stress they say...anything I can do to help it stop and grow back?

My dad had been suffering from hair loss and only recently he started to see a huge difference with his hair (lots of fine hair growing out especially at the temple area) after trying out the various natural techniques taught to grow hair for 1 week at this website

I must say its a very informative, effective and easy to follow step-by-step guide. I highly recommend it to anyone who is suffering from hair loss.

And i assure you that you won't find this natural hair growing techniques on the internet.

Hope it helps ! =)


Side Effects Of Common Drugs For Hair Loss Treatment :

Minoxidil : Cause a fall in blood pressure, an increase in the heart rate, and weight gain (fluid retention)

Propecia : May cause birth defects in male baby's sex organs if taken by women. Also, potentially irreversible side effects occurring in the group of people taking the drug are erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder (decreased volume of ejaculate) and low libido.Hair loss...losing my hair....due to stress they say...anything I can do to help it stop and grow back?
This is some good stuff that my friend swears by! Shes had great results. Its for men and women. Check out their site!
Hair Loss can be due to multiple reasons. Since most of us lead fast -paced lives, stress is bound to be part of it . Yoga or meditation helps relieve stress there by improving the overall quality of hair. Check out for more info.

HAIR LOSS DUE TO ACCUTANE -- will it eventually stop? help!?

i am a 17 year old female ... i was on accutane for 6 months and have now been off it for about 3 months. i hardly experienced any side effects while on the drug, but just within the past month (about 2 mos. after being off the drug) i have been losing tons of hair... i notice it mostly in the shower (big wads of hair down the drain) and it is noticeable around my hairline.

this scares me since this has only starting happening after going off accutane (i know for a fact it is due to the drug). anyone else experienced this? will the hair loss eventually stop? will it grow back?HAIR LOSS DUE TO ACCUTANE -- will it eventually stop? help!?
Below is a question that was asked of Dr Khadavi of and he has given the answer below. Hope this is helpful

Hello Dr. Khadavi I was on accutane for about 6 months and during my treatment I had no signs of hair loss. It was only after about 3 to 4 months that I started to notice my hair falling out a lot. I'm starting to see many strands of hair in my brush which I hardly ever had before. I hair is essentially falling out everywhere throughout my head, which includes the the top, and sides. The front of my hair where the hair line is, seems to be stronger than the other parts and not fall out as much, and the back of my head is better as well, since the hair is really short. One other thing, the hairs that fall out don't seem to have big roots attached to them, they seem to be small roots. Do these symptoms go with telogen effluvium? Finally, Have you ever had patients who had hair loss due to accutane? and if so, did you see that they regained their hair again? Thank you.

Answer from DR KHADAVI:

I have patients that have had hair loss while on Accutane and typically it may last for 6-9 months and most of the hair then regrows. is a hair loss information and news site dedicated to covering treatments and options backed by scientific data.

I don麓t know what he means when he says most of it grows back. If interested you may want to reseach my Best Answers about hair loss and a natural treatment I discovered after much experimentation and reseach. It definitely restores growth but the results take several months.HAIR LOSS DUE TO ACCUTANE -- will it eventually stop? help!?
Don't stress yourself out. I have the same side effect but thankfully you are girl and they will recover while males are less likely to. The downside of this is that it might take a while for it to stop. From 6 months to 2 years or more! Try not to stress out because in the end it will stop for you. Good luck

Heres a forum where other people are discussing this and looking for a solution:鈥?/a>
Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.
  • bad makeup
  • What helps stops hair loss?

    Any food that will help, Speacial vitamins, drinksWhat helps stops hair loss?
    If there was something to help stop hair loss, there would be no such thing as ';Hair Club for Men';, or rugs or hair plugs. Sorry.What helps stops hair loss?
    get the hair that is in your brush, and tape it to your head
    buy rogaine for men. if ur a women, change into a man. just kidding ;)
    Most hair loss is hereditary. However, it could also be a result of stress. I'm not sure if you're male or female. Obviously, if you're male you're more prone to baldness anyway. According to your screenname though it seems your only about 23, so going bald this early in life seems a bit soon, but not unheard of. Either way, you need to eat a heathly balanced diet. Good nutrition means you'll have good skin, teeth, nails... and hair. If you're stressed out, try to relax and find effective ways to deal with your dilemmas. As for vitamins, I know Vitamin E is known to improve hair quality, so maybe you could try taking a daily multi-vitamin that has extra Vitamin E. One more thing it could be is the hair products you use. If you have dry hair, DO NOT shampoo everyday. Only shampoo when you can't stand the filth anymore. Don't use hair products with alcohol in them... AT ALL. Alcohol damages your hair, making it brittle and break. Many gels and mousses come without alcohol in them, you just have to read the ingredients before you buy it. NEVER brush it if its wet... always gently pick it out first, then brush it only after it's completly dry. If you blow dry your hair, don't dry it completely, let some of it dry on its own to help keep your roots moisurized. Good luck. And if all else fails and you go totally bald, you can always find really nice hats! :)
    It really depends. If it's from stress, a calmer lifestyle would help. As for food or vitamins, from what I've heard, increasing intake of Zinc really helps, which can be found in foods such as oysters or can be taken as a mineral supplement from the pharmacy.